I love beauty products. I love makeup, I love clothes,that why am acttract to my boy friend

Vergara blames her hesitancy about going gray on her Colombian roots. “I think because I’m Latin, we always grow up thinking about looking good, doing your hair, your makeup.
It’s something that makes you feel good,” she said. “I love beauty products. I love makeup, I love clothes. And I think now that I’m older, it’s great, because you know exactly what you like, what looks good on you, what doesn’t look good on you. I don’t do what is in fashion.
I just do what feels good, makes me feel confident and beautiful.”
Even if she does get the wild urge to try something new, more times than not, it doesn’t happen. “I’m always scared. I always say, ‘Oh, I’m going to cut my hair.’ But then I end up not cutting it,” she explained. “In Latin America, I mean they used to tell you that once you hit 40, you’re not supposed to have this crazy long hair. So I’m always thinking like, ‘Is it time? Is it time to cut it?’ I don’t know, I don’t want to feel like old-fashioned [with] short hair.”