They’re elevating her to an idol. Idolatry. This is a little bit of what idolatry, I think, looks like. And you’re not supposed to do that. In fact, if you look it up in the Bible, it’s a sin!”

Newsmax Host Greg Kelly is back AGAIN and SLAMS Taylor Swift Fans for ‘IDOLIZING’ the Superstar TOO MUCH and Says ‘You treat her like a god and worship her, if you look it up in the Bible it’s a terrible sin’
But Kelly was more interested in attacking Swift’s fans in a hot take of warped theology.
“They are totally over the top worshipping this woman,” he said. “Have you seen any of the pictures of her in concert? I wouldn’t go myself. I don’t do that kind of thing anymore. But I think what they call it is, they’re elevating her to an idol. Idolatry. This is a little bit what idolatry, I think, looks like. And you’re not supposed to do that. In fact, if you look it up in the Bible, it’s a sin! So, I don’t like that.”
She is going to use all of this popularity, potentially, against MAGA and for Democrats,” Kelly said. “She’s got a record of this stuff, a track record.” He showed an image of Swift endorsing Biden in 2020 to make his point.